6 Tips for Radiating Confidence and Self-Assurance

Here at Isadora Nim, we believe the best thing you can wear is your confidence, with a custom made-to-measure suit following close second. We’ve pulled together a list of five ways to help you radiate confidence and self-assurance, which can be applied throughout all aspects of your life, whether in the workplace, at an event or out for dinner with your friends.

Don’t listen to what other people/social media may say. Make up your own rules. 

We’re all guilty of judging and second-guessing ourselves whilst scrolling through Instagram, admiring the perceived success of others. Rather than giving into that ‘social norm’, and what we think people want us to be, learn to appreciate and love the skin you’re in.

By listening to what others are saying, you are giving them the power to narrate your story. Hold onto this power and use it for greatness. Only you can determine how to feel.

Pay Attention to Your Hands

Other than our face, our hands are one of the most expressive parts of our body. Actors pay special attention to their hands in scenes because they know that certain hand gestures can express emotion without a word being spoken.

Wear clothes that make you feel most comfortable. 

You won’t feel confident wearing clothes you feel don’t fit you appropriately, or you can’t walk in. 

High heels for example, if these are something you can’t pleasantly walk in, why are you wearing them? You don’t need to wear a type of shoe just because society deems them as ‘sexy’.  Remember this, when in doubt of your clothes, change! There is nothing worse than continuously adjusting yourself or searching for reassurance when you’re out. Wear something that you feel good in, and let the confidence flow. 

Be aware of your non-verbal communication

Another self-confidence tip is to be aware of your posture and body language. 

Research shows that posing in certain positions can help boost your mood. For example, the “Wonderwoman” stance with legs spread and hands and hips tends to show the biggest boost in confidence. Before a big talk, do this pose in the bathroom or behind the curtain and it will give you a sense that you can conquer anything. Overall, having a good posture helps improve confidence. Keep your shoulders back and down and your chin held high.

Find the right fit, for YOU.

Don’t spend too much time thinking about what size number is stitched into the lining. Shop sizes vary, depending on your body type. You can easily be both a size 8 to a size 12 all in the one day whilst browsing in different stores. 

Remember this: clothes are meant to fit you, not the other way around.  You need to start feeling confident in whatever you’re wearing no matter what the size or the style looks like. 

Lastly, nothing screams confidence more than wearing a killer powersuit. 

Odds are, if you love the way you look, you’re going to love the way you feel. Wearing something that makes you feel like you’re on top of the world, will not only boost your energy, but will make you want to show it off to the rest of the world, trust us. 

If you’re looking to update your winter work wardrobe with some jaw dropping, tailor made power suits, overcoats or shirts feel free to reach out to us at enquiries@isadoranim.com


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