Our Top 3 Tips for Channelling Confidence

Channelling confidence can be tough, but as tough as it is, it’s not impossible. It takes a little determination, forward-thinking and reflection. What is it that’s really holding you back?

Changing your mindset isn't something that can happen overnight. It’s going to take time, determination, and, most important, a willingness to WANT to change the way you think. As the famous Queen B once said “Your self-worth is determined by you. You don’t have to depend on someone telling you who you are.” We’re unpacking just how you can channel your inner confidence and feel good about yourself every day.

1. Stop Comparing Yourself

Social comparison happens to all of us. Comparing yourself to others’ social status, their appearance, material items, and even the relationships they have. Social media has made it easier than ever to compare ourselves to others, and just as hard to stop. If you’re finding yourself comparing yourself to others, it’s important to take steps to distance yourself from whatever it is that triggers comparison.

Find a group of like-minded people who share your values, goals and aspirations. It doesn’t matter whether your goals are health or business-related, but what does matter is that you’re surrounding yourself with people who understand you and who help to channel more productive thinking. Spending time focussing on your own goals cuts out time left to compare yourself to what others appear to be achieving.

2. Know Your Strengths

If you ask anyone to list their weaknesses, odds are they can list them in a heartbeat. If you ask them to acknowledge their strengths, you receive uncertainty and hesitation. If you are someone who struggles to identify what exactly your strengths are, here are some quick tips to get you on the right track. Ask the people closest to you to write down a time they saw you at your absolute best. Make sure to be asking people from completely different aspects of your life so you receive different responses. This could be within the workplace, your friends, family, the gym even, wherever your circle stems from - utilise it. Pinpoint patterns from the feedback you receive. Which stories/moments overlap one another? What exactly were you doing/feeling during those moments that pushed you up and made you feel your best? Why were you the best version of yourself during these times? Channelling your confidence begins with identifying - and acknowledging - your strengths.

3. Use your Voice

Whether this is speaking up in a meeting, finding reasons to be presenting in front of people, or voicing your opinion, speaking up helps to build up your confidence and break down any barriers you might have. When you’re feeling confident, take some time to identify why your voice is important. Who or how are you helping by raising your hand and speaking up today? Who will you inspire and how will this impact you if you make yourself heard?

If you’re sitting in a meeting doubting whatever you have to say will bring any relevance to anyone - take a minute to visualise the conversation first. If it helps, write down what you’d like to say. Practise it in the mirror as many times as you need before speaking your mind. You might be surprised when the confidence you channelled earlier comes naturally later. Channelling confidence isn’t something that will happen overnight. It’s a skill that will take time to perfect. One thing is certain, though… The growing pains are worth the outcomes.


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